Friday, November 6, 2009

Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (The Young Ladies of Avignon

This painting is one of Picasso's define works and it shows his movement away from traditional european style painting and a move closer to cubism. The painting shows prostitutes from a brothel in spain in a primitive form. This painting lead to lots f anger and disagreement due to the controversial subject manor. Picasso was influenced greatly by african tribal art. This is clearly visible in this painting. The first time this painting was shown was in the year 1916 and it was thought of as an immoral painting at this showing. All in all it is a great painting and it is a masterpiece just like the other four paintings that are shown in my blog.

Pablo Picasso: Guernica (1937)

This painting by Picasso was painted in 1937. This painting shows the bombing of Gernika. This painting shows how bad war is and all of the pain and suffering that can be caused by war. you can also notice that the colors used in the painting are gray and black. gray and black are somber and sad colors. Also in this painting there is buildings falling and flames and disaster at every turn. You can almost see the bodies structures as a stand against this war and all it has caused. This mural was commissioned and displayed at Exposition Internationale des Arts et Tecniques dans la vie Moderne (1937).

Pablo Picasso: The old guitarist.

This particular painting by Pablo Picasso was painted during a period of time called the blue period that spanned from 1901-1904. The old guitarist was painted after the death of Pablos close friend. If you look very closely at this painting you can see a ghostly face of a women and a part of her legs. The painting has a sad, blue, and melancholy appearance that characterizes this period. During the time of this painting pablo was passing through a difficult time in his life. There is a quote by Pablo Picasso that to me defines him as an artist "My mother said to me, "If you are a soldier, you will become a general. If you are a monk, you will become the Pope." Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso. - Pablo Ruiz Picasso. I find this absolutely true and he embraced himself as an artist and that is what made him one of the greats.

Pablo Picasso: Dora Maar au Chat 1941

Dora Maar was Pablo Picasso's lover and he had painted her several times and this is one example of that. She was more than just a lover she was Picasso's friend and supported his political views and spoke his native language spanish. This particular piece was painted in 1941 at the beginning of the second world war in France. Picasso had compared Maar's temperament to an afhgan cat which is the significance of the cat in the portrait. the posture in the painting is powerful and posied. This painting was purchased by an unknown individual and was bought along with several other paintings in a total of 100 million dollars in artwork. This portrait is considered to be one of the finest examples and most expensive of the Maar portraits.

Pablo Picasso: 5 beautiful works.

Pablo Picassso is one of the most important artist of the 20th century and is famous for a cubist style of painting. This particular painting was painted in 1907. Picasso become tired of the impression style painting and he thought that impressionism was a dead end and so inspired by african tribal art began to create this style of painting called cubism. The paintings eyes are darker than ever and with more clarity. Even though, the eyes are clear the face is like a mask hiding his ego inside himself is inside that face. This painting was a final and last attempt for him to find out who he really was. I think it is rather interesting as an artist he had his identity lost and through his art he was trying to bring a discovery into light. This painting is a record to Picasso's brilliant artist capabilities.